Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GT's Enlightened Organic Raw Kombucha Multigreen

Kombucha. You guessed it, this is another drink that's a direct result of the Whole Foods that just opened in my town. Of course, I bought it and headed straight to Google. Wanna know what this strange looking concoction is? Fermented tea. Now, that sounds disgusting. But, what's funny here is that it really isn't packaged to look tasty, but instead, packaged to look healthy. Don't get me wrong, I care about health, but shouldn't I want to drink it because it looks good? I mean, the stuff has blue-green algae in it. That was literally the first form of life ever on our planet. And now it is in a beverage? Give me a break. There is so much of the stuff in the bottom of the bottle, I'm gonna have to strain before I pour. I don't think I'll like this, but I'll try my best to stay unbiased.

Color: Oh god. It is truly the deepest, darkest green you can imagine. Scary, actually. Oh, and look what the result of my straining was!
Yup. That stuff is bacteria, it's alive, and I'm sure the strainer didn't catch all of it.

Smell: Yeast. Like, that fermented old-wine-cork smell. Odds are, if this had any more sugar in it, it would be an alcoholic beverage. (Author's Note: There is a ring of bacteria in the glass. Oh god help me.

Taste: (Here goes nothing) It fizzes. Apparently, the fermentation causes so much pressure that it fizzes. But anyway, it is really odd, and not good. It starts with an intense, almost sour fizzing feeling, and then becomes a mix of very earthy, bitter flavors. It is not sweet at all, and it is quite unpleasant overall. Just really, not good. Or at least, for my tastes. I won't be drinking it again any time soon. Then again, I drank a total of 5 mL of it just now, so this review may be a little off.

Rating: *

It fizzes. If it didn't fizz, I'd give it 2 stars solely because I didn't hurl, but it does. So, to the abyss of one-stardom it goes! Unless you enjoy drinking algae, never get this. Ever.

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