Friday, May 25, 2012

BodyArmor Tropical Mandarin

So, what I've caught on to is that if you want to sell beverages, you should add coconut water to your drink. Or at least, that's what it seems like. Anyway, BodyArmor is a new line of beverages to bear the coconut flavor, with 10% coconut water mixed in. My only question is why anyone would name a beverage company BodyArmor. Isn't that stuff made of steel? Whatever, this might be the drink that gets me off the string of abysmal beverages.

Color: Orange Gatorade. Or Tang. Yeah, the same Tang that went into space. Yup. Finally, a drink that isn't green.

Smell: Very orange. That's a good sign, affirming that the drink is actually natural. But there is another smell in there too, almost like a creamy scent.

Taste: It's one of the more interesting flavors I've tasted. Lots of tropical flavor in there, especially pineapple and mango. Then you get hit with some mandarin orange, as well. It has a nice tart flavor, which counters the sweetness nicely. And, if you are a coconut water fan, you'll be happy to know that you can taste the coconut. Not bad at all, actually. And it's pretty good for you too; the bottle has 100% or more of your daily value of 6 nutrients.

Rating: ****

It was pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good. The best thing about it is all of the flavors mixing together. And, on a hot start to the Memorial Day weekend, it's pretty refreshing as well. I'd drink it again. That is, assuming I can find it again...

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