Thursday, May 3, 2012

AriZona Chinese Apple Pomegranate Green Tea

And we're back! Back to reviewing, at least. We got some new beverages and we're ready to go!
So, this is AriZona tea. Yes, its usually good. But how good? Anyway, it has natural flavors and colors, (tree-huggers and hippies rejoice), which is always a plus. However, I think the question here will be whether or not there are too many flavors in the mix. I mean, chinese apples, pomegranates, and tea? Someone drank too much Monster. (Wait, I've just been informed that chinese apples and pomegranates are the same thing.) Never mind. To the beverage!

Color:    Red. Like, really electric, translucent red. How is this natural? I'm concerned because I expected it to be like reddish tea, but no, red.

Smell:    Sugar. Cold, straight sugar. And maybe some pomegranate. Maybe.

Taste:    It's actually pretty good. The tea is definitely more prevalent than the pomegranate here, but you can still taste the fruit. In fact, there is probably a little cranberry in here too. Like all teas, it packs a good antioxidant punch, with 100 percent of your daily Vitamin C in each bottle (if you care). It goes from a tart tea to a sweet pomegranate as you drink it, which is nice. And, as the label states, it ain't artificial and you can tell. It is really refreshing, which is pretty surprising for a tea. Generally, mixed tea drinks are either really bitter or really sweet, but this is a perfect balance. Katy finished hers already. Case closed.

Rating: ****

AriZona came up big here. I will not be spilling this one, folks. At the end of the day, it is just really good tea. This will certainly now be in my rotation. (It was already in Katy's anyway.) Well played, AriZona. Well played.

1 comment:

  1. Vitamin B1, C, and caffeine in green tea can promote gastric secretion and help digestion and fat elimination. The catechins in green tea have the effects of anti-oxidation, increase metabolism, and scavenge free radicals. It can activate protein kinase and triglyceride lipase through many actions to reduce the accumulation of fat cells, thus achieving weight loss. Therefore, drinking green tea often can achieve the effect of accelerating fat consumption and strengthening healthy weight loss.
    Green tea weight loss in 1 month
