Friday, February 11, 2011

AriZona Half Iced Tea & Half Mango

 I don't really like iced tea, so the mango better shine here. Although, it is AriZona. That means super sugary. Here goes nothing...

Color:   To be honest, I was expecting an electric orange, but this looks just like iced tea. Wait... hold on... yup, no artificial colors. Got it. Katy is appauding Arizona now, don't ask me why.

Smell:   Very Mango-y. It is so strong that is seems almost like it was mango juice concentrate sprinkled in the mix.

Taste:   Sickeningly sweet. It has absolutely no mango flavor, only a taste remeniscent of gummy peaches. On the bright side for me, I tasted no iced tea whatsoever. There has to be something artificial here, because gummy peach is in no way a natural flavor. Katy is only drinking it now because she is really thirsty.

Rating: **

  It had a natural color, the smell was certainly noticable, but the taste was just too artificial to make me want to drink it again. Maybe Arizona was trying to mask the fact that there was no tea by coating my mouth with sugar. I am dissapointed, AriZona. Very dissapointed.