Friday, June 22, 2012

A Quick Vacation

Alright, guys. I'm sorry to say that I will be at camp until mid-August, so, unfortunately, there will be no reviews for a while. But, when I get back, I'll be doing more reviews than ever, so stay tuned! Thanks for reading InFizzible, and like us on Facebook!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coco Exposed Goji Berry Lychee

I have to say, I've been putting this review off for a while. This bottle has been sitting in the back of my fridge for a solid month now, and now that I'm out of other beverages, it is time to review this one. Not that I think that this is gonna make me blow chunks over my MacBook, but it just never looked that exciting to me. The bottle certainly doesn't pop off a shelf, and definitely not out of a stocked fridge. The flavor, you ask? It's just another infused coconut drink. This type of drink has grown on me though, so I think it'll be pretty good. My only concern? It is 15% Aloe Vera. Yes, the same green goo that you put on sunburn is in this bottle. Goji and Lychee, bring it on, but Aloe? What are we thinking?

Color: Light beer. (But if you happen to be under the age of 10? Apple juice!) With little shreds of fruit pulp floating in it. Ingredients say? Aloe Vera Pulp. I thought Aloe was a leaf! How is there pulp in a leaf?

Smell: Somewhere between bread and Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellies. This smell seems to be the sign of fermentation, since the Kombucha I drank earlier smelled like this too. But, according to the ingredients, there isn't any yeast or live bacteria in this drink (or so I hope). The smell honestly makes me think the drink might have gone bad. We'll see.

Taste: Tastes exactly like how it smells. It starts off pretty well, actually. There is a nice citrus flavor present when the drink hits your mouth, but then, the whole experience heads south. As fast as that nice citrus flavor appears, it is replaced with an extremely bitter and almost rotten fruit flavor. Enter Lychee. Yup, this asian fruit is not for me. But that's only the start. After the Lychee fades, you are hit with another rotten flavor, which is much more earthy than the first. That must be the Aloe. And folks, when I say rotten, I don't mean gross, I mean the fruit in this drink was probably infested with maggots when it was juiced. Not to mention that the mouthfeel of the drink is ruined due to the Aloe Pulp. Never again, folks. Never.

Rating: *

Alright, I'll admit. I hated this drink. But I think it is one of those drinks that someone with the right palette could really enjoy. So, just because I didn't like it doesn't mean you won't. Try it out, and see what you think. You can find this one at your local Whole Foods or specialty market.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Arnold Palmer Half Sweet Tea Half Pink Lemonade

So, we have another Arnold Palmer on our hands. I think Arnold Palmer is pretty freaking awesome, (in case that hasn't become blatantly obvious by now) but it does unnerve me that they keep manipulating the name to include other beverages. (My rant begins here, so skip this area unless you enjoy raw cynicism) I mean, the man never walked into the 19th hole and ordered pink lemonade and sweet tea! That just isn't right. His drink was lemonade and tea. End of story. And besides that, isn't that combo already sweet enough? God! (Rant is over here.) But really, the fact that the lemonade here is pink and the tea is sweet (and the bottle says Southern style) makes me think that it will be diabetic-coma sweet. Not to mention the 90 extra calories in the bottle. But I still have high hopes. Arnold, don't let me down bro.

Color: Surprisingly, not lighter that regular Arnold Palmer. Actually, it's a lot darker, and a little more red. But like it's original counterpart, the top foams, so I could be wrong.

Smell: Exactly like normal Arnold Palmer. Tea is noticeable, and so is the sugar, but the lemon is the most prominent smell.

Taste: Well, to be honest, it doesn't taste like much of anything. It's okay, I suppose, but the fact that the tea is so sweet makes the lemonade fade. So, it's like really sugary water that smells like lemon and tea. The only redeeming quality is that it is a little more tart than the original, which I do like. But otherwise, it's a no-go. I think they may have varied a little too far from the original, just as I suspected.

Rating: ***

Average. You may like it, because there's really nothing wrong with it, but it wasn't for me. Too sugary, not enough lemon or tea. Sorry Arnold, but Arizona screwed you.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

AriZona Arnold Palmer Half Green Tea Half Lemonade

Arnold Palmer. Odds are, if you are under the age of 40, you know how much his drink costs, but not how many green jackets the guy has. (That would be 4.) Anyway, Palmer's name has now become synonymous with the Lemonade-Iced Tea combo we all love. Whether it is at your local restaurant or out of an AriZona can, almost everyone has tasted this popular drink. But now, they've decided to exchange the traditional black tea for an asian flavor, using green tea instead. I don't mind green tea, and I love Arnold Palmer, so this can't be bad, right?

Color: Same color as regular Arnold Palmer, but a little lighter. Yeah, that would make sense, I guess. It also isn't clear like the normal one. This one is pretty turbid.

Smell: I guess because green tea has less smell than black tea, it makes sense that this has a very strong lemon, dull tea smell. Not quite Lysol, but very lemony.

Taste: It's really good, and is a nice variation off of the normal Arnold Palmer. The lemonade is the main flavor, but it still has some good tea flavor, and unlike the black tea, it has that green-tea-mouth-drying quality. Yeah, find the real word for that and I'll make sure to get you a can of this stuff. Because it's really good. Really. Good. That citrus flavor makes it refreshing, especially on a 90 degree day. The best thing about it though is that it isn't too far from the original flavor to make people stick solely to the original. People, it's just good. Pull the dollar out of your pocket now.

Rating: *****

Call me biased, but Arnold Palmer's name has not been tainted with this drink. Over Original? Ehhh... maybe. Just drink it. Now. Leave.