Monday, September 17, 2012

Bai Congo Pear

And I'm back. Sorry for that sabbatical. Anyway, If you remember my last encounter with Bai, you'll remember that I drank the whole bottle of Sumatra Dragonfruit before finishing the review. (or first paragraph... or first sentence...) Anyway, what made it so good was that it was true to its flavor. Not somewhat, and not, "well things that are flavored X taste like this, so that is what it should taste like," but, I taste fruit X in this bottle, for real. (Because that wasn't vague or anything.) However, I don't know about this one. Pear is a tough flavor to liquify because it is a rather subtle flavor in its natural form, not to mention a lot of it is due to the pear's gritty texture. Either way, I've liked every flavor I've tried, (I think there are 6 in all) so I have faith in it. And the Congo part? Isn't it Zaire Pear?

Color: Watered down apple juice. Think a Mott's for Tot's type thing. Pretty tame, compared to other drinks.

Smell: Pear. Legit pear.  Well, well, Bai. You've done it again. There truly is no other way to describe it than authentic, natural pear. Very good.

Taste: Woah. Whole lotta pear going on here. And it is good. Pretty awesome. It captures not only the sweetness of the flesh of the pear, but it has a bit of bitterness coming from the pear skin. Again, Bai has taken the natural flavor of a fruit and really turned in to an accurate drink. Just like Dragonfruit. I could complain that it isn't as bold, but remember, as I said, pear is rather subtle. But don't take that the wrong way, it's still pretty impressive, considering it only has 4% juice, 5 calories, and 70 mg of caffeine per bottle (the same as a bottle of Mountain Dew, or 2 cups of green tea.) Well played, Bai.

Rating: ****

Not as good as Dragonfruit, in my opinion, but still an amazing drink, far above most other ones I've tried. Drink it, drink it now!