Sunday, May 12, 2013

blk. Alkaline Fulvic Trace Mineral Infused Water

So, this is a blog about non-carbonated beverages. (Hope I made that obvious by now.) Traditionally, water is not a beverage. However, judging from the fact that there are five adjectives before the word "water" on the bottle, I think I have permission to review it. (Note that it's still not flavored water.) Now, that doesn't mean I'm particularly excited about it. Fulvic acid comes from plant matter found deep in the earth, and is highly alkaline. I think it's also the stuff that makes up Brita filters as well. So, does that mean it's like a Brita ground into water? Wonderful. The bottle even says this stuff has a pH of 8, which is roughly the same as normal sea water. (Mmm... Atlantic Ocean.)  But more than all of that, I want to make it clear that this is black water. From deep in the earth. Oh, and it's $2.50 for a 16 ounce bottle. You and your outrageous pricing, Whole Foods.

Color: Well, the name of this stuff would tell you it's black. It's not. It is actually a deep, translucent, brown. ( Think soy sauce, or coffee.) Minus points for you, blk. If you are going to call a drink black, it better actually be black.

Smell: When has water ever smelled like anything? The plant matter / fulvic acid / mystery goo doesn't give it an odor. 

Taste: Well, surprisingly enough, this water tastes... kind of like water. (How do I describe the flavor of water? Hydrogen-y? I don't know.) So, it tastes like water, but at the same time, it has this bitter flavor as well. I guess I would describe it as earthy water. It's somewhat metallic, and unlike other waters that say they have minerals, you know this one has minerals. You can taste them. And frankly, that's not a great thing. But I guess if you really feel like you are lacking key minerals, you'd be willing to put up with the taste, which makes me think of tap water in a foreign nation. We all know how that ends up. Honestly, I'm not a big fan. It certainly won't make me stop drinking tap water, or Brita water, or normal bottled water. Sorry, blk. Who told you black water was a good idea?

Rating: ***

Ok, I'll admit, there was no chance I was going to say, "This is the most amazing water ever, we all must ditch the clear stuff and drink this immediately!" Because, frankly, even the best water isn't that different from the worst water. This was really more of a test to see if it was bad. Which it wasn't, it was just a little too mineral-y for me. But if you want attention, I'd imagine walking around and drinking black water isn't a horrible way to do it. Either way, I'm sticking to SmartWater. That's only $2.25 at Whole Foods. What a bargain!

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