Here's a drink. It doesn't have live bacteria in it, has nearly no vitamins, doesn't make any health claims, and says nowhere on the bottle that anything in it is organic. It only has 10 percent juice, even though it's lemonade. And it has 300 calories a bottle. Frankly, I am looking forward to it more than the last few beverages I've reviewed anyway. Because finally, it's a drink that isn't supposed to "change the way you look at beverages". It's just a drink that looks good, and doesn't try to be anything else. The closest thing to a health benefit on the label is that it has "real lemon bits". Sometimes, Yerba Mate and Fulvic Trace Water just can't compare to cane sugar and black cherry concentrate. Needless to say, they don't sell this at Whole Foods. Finally, something that will taste good!
Color: It looks like watered down pomegranate juice. This is one of those drinks where the color in the picture above is identical to the color of the actual drink. After all, the bottle isn't colored. It's just thick glass.
Smell: It smells very cherry-y. Like a fresh jar of maraschino cherries. No lemon smell at all. If you've ever had Dr. Brown's Black Cherry Soda, it smells just like that. Or, if you are reading this in the Mid-Atlantic USA, it smells just like Rita's black cherry water ice.
Taste: It's a really good flavor, I'm just not particularly sure what that flavor actually is. Don't get me wrong, it is great. I guess, the best way to describe it would be as though it was Pacific Cooler Capri-Sun mixed with lemonade. But what's great is that neither flavor overpowers the other. The black cherry is definitely there, but you also get the tartness of the lemon as well. In fact, that's what makes the drink to me, the tart and sour lemon. After all, this is lemonade. It isn't right for lemonade to not be sour at all. (Yeah, I'm talking to you, 2nd graders with lemonade stands.) So overall, it tastes like what it says it is. Black cherry, and lemon. Thank god, there are no veggies or bacteria in this one. The only problem is that I was really looking forward to those lemon bits, and it was really just some lemon pulp remnants. But that's a pretty minor complaint.
Rating: ****
It was definitely interesting, and certainly a great way to counter an 78 degree day. And let's not forget, it wasn't green! How about that? Odds are, you'll have trouble finding this one, but if you spot it on your next grocery trip, pick it up. It's worth trying. Oh, and there's an electric blue flavor too. Bet they don't sell that one at Whole Foods either.